dinsdag, september 20, 2005

Understand Why Newsletters Work So Incredibly Well!

Understand Why Newsletters Work So Incredibly Well!

Whoever you're producing a newsletter for; yourself, your company, your club, society, school, voluntary organization - whoever…the chances are that it's intended to present you in a good light and can therefore be considered as a PROMOTION for your organization.

There are lots of ways to promote yourself; brochures, sales letters, the web, perhaps newspaper, radio or even TV. But they all have a disadvantage that few have noticed or taken the time
to discover.

The problem with all the other forms of marketing covered above is that everyone already knows that the sole purpose of producing the advertising is to promote you (your organization).

There's nothing wrong with blatant promotion. We all need to do it. It is just that the public (businesses, whoever) are simply all too sophisticated to think that you're trying to do anything else.

So no matter how clever or sneaky your advertising, they'll see it for what it is. You're trying to sell them your product or service. Period!

But this isn't the case with a newsletter...